miércoles, 27 de noviembre de 2019



NOTA: Los alumnos deberán concurrir disfrazados y  15 minutos antes de la obra. Ese día no habrä clases de inglés por la tarde. Saldrán a las 12hs.

Para una mejor organización tenemos previsto dos acompañantes por alumno.

 Los esperamos!!!

martes, 26 de noviembre de 2019

Actos de Cierre- días y horarios-

Estimadas familias: con el fin de darles la posibilidad de  organizar sus tiempos de manera tal que puedan  participar de los actos de cierre del ciclo lectivo 2019 ponemos a su disposición el cronograma de los mismos con días y horarios
Jueves  12/12
8:30 HS
ACTO DE CIERRE 1° CICLO   (1°, 2° Y 3° Año)
Una vez concluido el Acto se da por finalizado el Ciclo Lectivo 2019.

Jueves 12/12
10 HS
ACTO DE CIERRE 2° CICLO (4°. 5° Y 6° Año)
(Cambio de Banderas con 5° Año)
Una vez concluido el Acto se da por finalizado el Ciclo Lectivo 2019.

Viernes 13/12
19 HS
Los estudiantes deberán concurrir con uniforme formal (verano)

                                               Esperamos contar con la presencia de todos ustedes.
                                                                                                          Saludos Cordiales.
                                         Comunidad  IAS

lunes, 25 de noviembre de 2019

Menú comedor

Estimadas familias:
Debido al accidente sufrido por nuestro cocinero Mauricio, nos vimos en la obligación de modificar el menú de esta semana

Salchichas con papas y huevo
Fruta de estación
 Arroz con pollo
Gelatina de frutas

Fruta de estación

Hamburguesas con   puré
Ñoquis con estofado
Fruta de estación

Saludamos muy atentamente.

                                                  Comunidad IAS


                El día viernes 29 de Noviembre los invitamos a participar de la clase abierta de natación. La misma se organizará de acuerdo al siguiente horario:


13:15 HS.

14:45 HS
              Por  cuestiones de organización, todos los alumnos de natación segundo ciclo, ese día deberán concurrir al comedor  ya sea con servicio de catering o vianda  puesto que estaremos saliendo  del colegio hacia la pileta a las 12:30 hs.  en punto , con el fin de poder cumplir con los horarios programados para las clases.
              Esperamos su asistencia.
                                         Saludos  cordiales
 Prof.  Juan  Peralta
Departamento Educación Física y Deportes


               Esperamos hasta hoy por la mañana un cambio de situación; lamentablemente el pronóstico meteorológico mantiene las probabilidades de lluvias, por tal motivo informamos que la Fiesta de Educación Física y deporte se suspende cambiando la fecha de su realización para el día 2 de diciembre a la misma hora y en el mismo lugar como se informara, con anticipación, en el cronograma de actividades.
               La actividad de deporte se realizará como es habitual.
               El servicio de catering funcionará con normalidad;el menú de hoy será panchos con ensalada, les pedimos que en los comentarios de esta nota informen si su hijo hará uso del mismo.
               Como excepción se recibirán, el día de hoy, las viandas de aquellas familias que deseen alcanzarlas.
              Agradeciendo desde ya su colaboración y comprensión. Saludamos cordialmente.
                                                                                  Comunidad IAS

miércoles, 20 de noviembre de 2019


Estimadas Familias:

                                  El día  lunes 25/11 los estudiantes de la E. Primaria se retirarán TODOS  a las 12 hs. No habrá Deporte en el turno tarde ya que debido  a la realización de la Fiesta de Educación Física y Deporte deberán concurrir al CCVA acompañados por su familias a las 17.30 hs.

Muchas Gracias saludos Equipo Directivo IAS

martes, 19 de noviembre de 2019

version final de robin hood (4th grade and 5th grade)

A continuacion vuelvo a subir la obra de teatro de Robin Hood que estamos practicando con 5to grado, con el agregado de algunas lineas. Por favor, de ser preciso, vuelvan a imprimirlo TODOS.

Narrator- Araceli long long ago, in nottingham England, there was a King named Richard. King Richard was a wise and generous King. The town of nottingham loved their King.

People Pilar D.: long life to our King Richard! The father of our nation. The true King of Nottingham. Please, everybody vow to your King.

Narrator- Araceli The kingdom was rich and prosperous, but one day when King Richard was travelling to another village his ship was lost at sea! Days months, passed but no news from the King or the ship came. The town mourned their beloved King. In king richard’s absence, his younger brother, King John was made to sit on the throne. but King John was nothing like his Elder brother. He increased the taxes and took all the money from the poor! (sale King Richard, solo queda la gente)

People Facundo: our King! Where is he?

People 2 Gonzalo: maybe he sank in the sea!

People 3 Juan: he might be dead! (people crying)

King John: Franco: in king’s Richard absence i will be the new King! From now all taxes will be more expensive!

Narrator –Angela: The town started to become poorer and poorer with each passing day. Nottingham has lost its hope. But as they say with every justice, a hero is born. This is the story of such a man! Robin Hood! After watching the injustice done by King John, robin decided to help his people.

Man in carriage –Ramiro: oh! I hope robin Hood is very very sleepy today! I hope he doesn’t hear me passing this forest. Shh tony! Why are you making so much noise! Slow down!

Driver- Tomas: eh.. but sir! How can i ask the horses to walk slow?

Man in carriage- Ramiro:  robin Hood can also hear our footsteps!

Driver - Tomas:  we are walking on the ground and sir, it cannot be noiseless

Man in carriage: Ramiro:  oh shut up!oh no! Thief! Thief!

Robin Hood (RH) Valentino: im not a thief

Man in carriage: Ramiro:  you are!

RHValentino  this is poor people’s money, not yours! Go and tell your King! People of sherwood are not alone! Come on let’s get moving!

Woman- Bianca (received money from rh) :thanks god for robin Hood, we owe our lives to him!

King John - Franco: ROBIN HOOD! Sheriff! Do you want to keep your job or not? He has done it again! All our money and gold is gone! That goon has done it again! I want him arrested right now!

SheriffSantino C  we.. we have tried , your highness!! Multiple times! But they just disappear
King JohnFranco:  are you saying you can’t do this then?

SheriffSantino C  no.. i will do it, i will arrest robin hood. He is my enemy! Give me one more chance, your highness!

King John-Franco: do whatever you have to i dont care, i want him arrested

Narrator -Baltazar: the sheriff was furious he decided to lay down a trap for robin! The sheriff knew that there was one way to make robin Hood come to the palace himself, the only was was… lady Marian! Lady marian was the King richard’s niece, she was a beautiful Young woman. As soon as he saw lady marian he could not believe his eyes! He dropped his sword and kneeled down in front of utter beauty

RH –Valentino: I… I am.. who are you?

Narrator Baltazar it was love at first sight for lady marian too!

Lady marian -Delfina i am Marian. Are ..are you robin Hood?

Rh- Valentino: guilty as charged

Lady Marian’s friend – Pilar F. (5th grade) : don’t talk to him, he is a thief!

Lady Marian’s friend 2 – Pilar F. (4th grade) : Come on girls. Let’s go to the palace

Another scene: (in Sherwood forest)

Little Joan -Amanda robin! Have you Heard? The sheriff is organising an archery contest, the winner gets to marry lady marian!

Tuck: Thiago:  haha! He sheriff is so stupid, this is obviously a trap! Everybody knows that robin Hood is the best archer. We are not going, right robin?

Narrator-Baltazar but robin wasn’t listening to tuck

RH –Valentino: Did you say lady marian, Little Joan? The best archer gets to marry the beautiful lady marian?

Tuck-Thiago: no robin! They will arrest you if we go to the castle!

RH- Valentino: but how will they recognise us? I will disguise myself

Tuck- Thiago: oh boy wait a minute! I will not let you go alone.

Narrator –Baltazar: as decided, they both were at the gates of the castle. Nobody recognised them. Except for..

Sir hiss: Andres:  hey hey! You are robin Hood!

Little Joan: Amanda:  Wait aren’t you King John’s assistant. Wait what’s your name.. oh yes! Sir hiss!!

Sir Hiss: -Andres :I will have both of you arrested right now! Guards! Guards!

Narrator- Araceli: But Sir Hiss was immediately caught. (lo atan)

Robin Hood- Valentino: Shhh! Quiet Joan. Let’s go!

Sir Hiss- Andres: No! Wait! Guards!


Narrator- Araceli: Soon, it was Robin’s turn to raise his bow. He shot three arrows one after another and the crowd was shocked! All the three arrows had hit the centre! The crowd cheered for this brilliant archer! Robin took his Hood off and began to look for his Lady Marian! But just then… (actuado)

The Sheriff: Santino C:  Arrest him! That’s Robin Hood. Hahaha. Caught you at last!

Narrator-Angela But Robin was not scared. He knew his Merry Men very well

Little joan- Amanda: Not so soon, Sheriff! Let Robin Hood go or else say goodbye to your beloved King John

The Sheriff- Santino C:  Ahhh no!

King John-Franco:Let them go. Let them go! Sheriff! I don’t want to die

Narrator: -Angela:  The soldiers immediately released Robin. Robin and Little John headed towards the gate. On their way out, Robin saw Lady Marian!

Robin Hood: valentino   Marian! I will come for you! Wait for me!

Lady Marian: Delfina  Always, Robin. Always

Lady Marian’s friend 1: Pilar F. (5th grade): Forget him. He’s a thief!

Lady Marian’s friend 2: Pilar F. (4th grade): Oh, yes. He’s not a good boy for you

Narrator: Angela: Once in the forest, the Merry Men and Robin began to plan on how to get Lady Marian again. Just then, a boy from the village came running to Robin…

A man’s girl: Alma:  Robin! They are arresting my father.

FriendMartina: Please help him, Robin!

Friend2: Abigail: Fast Robin he needs you!

Robin Hood: Valentino  What? Come on! Let’s go

Narrator- Baltazar:  Robin and his Merry Men rode towards the village and saw that the villagers were in a fight with the soldiers!

GuardGuadalupe:  It is the king’s order. He has tripled your taxes. If you can’t pay then I have to arrest you. Go thank your Robin Hood. He angered the King and now you have to pay for it

Villager: Manuel.  Robin Hood is a good man. He cares for us. Unlike your selfish King. He is a cruel man

Guard: Gary  How dare you. Arrest him. He’s our enemy!

Guard 2: Luisana: Quick, arrest him! Don’t let him go!

Robin HoodValentino: No! Wait! It’s me you are looking for. Leave these people

Villager 2Santino L: No Robin. We don’t want you to go. Run away!

Robin Hood- Valentino No! Let them arrest me

Little JoanAmanda: Robin. What are you doing?

Robin HoodValentino: I may be stealing for a good cause. But it is still stealing. I don’t want the children of this village to follow this route. You must all stand together and fight. That is the only way. Farewell, my men. I shall see you soon

NarratorBaltazar:  The villagers were sad to have their hero leave. But the merry men were not going to give up on their leader. They followed the carriage from inside the mountains so that the soldiers don’t see them

King John: Franco:  Hahaha. The mighty Robin Hood. The protector of the poor. The provider. Nonsense! You are a thief.

Robin HoodValentino:  And, what are you, your Higness? You steal from the poor. Where does the tax money go? What is your palace doing with it? Just because you sit on that throne does not mean you steal poor people’s money. I am not a thief. The money I take belongs to my people. I return to them what is rightfully theirs. Let our Highness, King Richard return. He will see what to do with you

King JohnFranco: Quiet! Throw him into the dungeons

Narrator: Araceli_  The town of Nottingham was now in true danger. Their saviour was captured. But will the Merry Men let King John win?

Little Joan: Amanda:  Tuck. What are you doing?

Tuck: Thiago:  Shhhh

ChefVictoria: Oh, no! My dear kitchen! Fire! Fire! Run! Save yourselves

The SheriffSantino C: Robin! Come, fast! The castle is on fire

Robin HoodValentino Why do you want to help me?

The Sheriff: Santino C  I don’t like King John either. I was wrong about him. Let’s go

Robin Hood- Valentino: Oh. I hope my men are all fine.


Narrator- Araceli: But back at the castle something unexpected happened. King Richard had returned to his Kingdom. After the fire was put out, the town of Nottingham had gathered in the castle to complain about King John and the sheriff

People: Pilar D.: It’s a miracle! Our beloved King is back!

King RichardMarco:  I apologize to my people. This will not be tolerated. You have disappointed me, John. King John, Sir Hiss and sheriff to be arrested immediately

Sir Hiss- Andres:No, no. Your Highness, please

King John: Franco:  Oh, shut up.

King RichardMarco: I command to reléase the Merry Men and take back all the charges on Robin Hood. In fact, a brave man like him should be rewarded. Bring him to the castle with honour.

People:: Yehh. Yehh. Yaaaaay. WOHOO!

NarratorAngela: King Richard soon realised that Lady Marian was in love with Robin Hood and wished to marry him. King Richard liked Robin Hood. He was more than happy to get his niece married to a noble man. Nottingham rejoiced as their hero was respected and rewarded. Robin Hood lived with Lady Marian in the forest of Sherwood. They were happy with their simple lives. They danced and sang songs with the people of Nottingham. Robin Hood and the Merry Men never stole again .

lunes, 18 de noviembre de 2019


Estimadas Familias:
                                 Los invitamos a participar de nuestra Fiesta anual de Educación Física y Deporte 2019 ( Juegos Olímpicos IAS ).
 La misma se llevará a cabo el Lunes 25 de Noviembre a las 17.30 hs  en el CCVA "Country de Valentina Alsina"  Jose Ignacio Rucci 1449.
Es importante la participación y asistencia de todos los alumnos para poder  mostrar  todas las capacidades adquiridas y nuevos aprendizajes incorporados  durante  el ciclo lectivo.

A continuación informamos la vestimenta con la que los alumnos deben asistir.

4to A 

 Pantalón corto  y remera blanca (ambos del uniforme de educación física)

4to B

Varones : Pantalón  corto negro o en su defecto el short del uniforme

Nenas: Pollera pantalón negra o en su defecto pollera pantalón del uniforme  de la escuela y cabello recogido.

Tanto nenes y nenas musculosa o remera sin manga de cualquier color flúor y medias haciendo juego con la remera. Palo de hockey y canilleras correspondientes. 

IMPORTANTE: Ser puntuales con el horario, y llevar hidratación.

Gracias por trabajar en equipo junto al Departamento de Educación Física.

Saludos atentamente Profesor Peralta Juan Director Depto Educación Física


ESTIMADAS FAMILIAS: el día de mañana los estudiantes ingresarán al colegio en el horario de sus respectivos actos:  HORARIO DE ENTRAD...